a compilation of poladazmiu's subconscious utopias

not all dreams are suitable for every audience ever! 14+ and 17+ dreams will be marked with this gif, though, so pay attention.


Introduce the headless man in a corner, Miss Scheba at the door, whispering to get in, and [] in the center of the scene. [] floats up to get away from Miss Scheba as she enters then quickly exits out the door, moving as quickly as possible out of the hotel while holding {} by the hand.

They make it out into a small village where [] floats up onto a bridge connecting two buildings and throws {} down. “Oh no, I threw you so hard you became a part of the floor!” Before [] can retrieve {} from being part of the floor, a blue knight comes out from the right building onto the bridge. [] floats down and hides underneath a lower bridge some distance away from the bridge where {} is. Soon after comes a yellow knight and the blue knight stops leaning on the ‘border’ of the bridge and dances with yellow knight.

Eventually they stop and are very still on the bridge before going back inside the building. [] Floats up to yank {} from being a blue floor splatter and they run off again.

From the yellow and blue knights, {}, while part of the floor, had snatched a little knight head charm which [] makes turn into a real knight on their way through the village. The village opens into a lakeside cow pasture with a dusty (made of dirt) racing track to the side. The lake has a system of docks winding through it and [] and {} alongside their new knight start going on the docks, floating somewhat, when [] goes too fast and slides off the corner of the dock, falling into the lake where murderous fishies await. [] floats up out of the lake assisted by {} when the call to prayer starts, sung by a centaur-man in the cow pasture with a hollowed bull’s horn as a voice amplifier.

NOTES: [] and {} are connected by a string at the top of both of their heads, somehow, I think, and also I am []'s part of the connected body.