A door-too-door religious salesman, who offers things like miniature crosses and rosaries, and gets in fact quite a bit of business. He, however, is very strongly dedicated to his work and is a rather pushy personality in it, which after all makes a very effective salesperson. He makes a very convincing, flattering, charming person, despite how disliked he may be, and has quite a gift for conversation and manipulation so strategic it gets his products sold.
Xvaria may even be considered somewhat of a con artist.
He is a self-proclaimed 'angel communicator', and can more often than not be found with his neck craned upwards towards the sky muttering something unintelligible and probably, outwardly, apparently stupid. He will sometimes stop potential buyers in the middle of his pitch to proclaim the angels are speaking with him. This is often used to say that angels told him how useful his product is and that it should be bought. He strongly believes that he has a guardian angel.
When Xvaria knocks at the Tar household looking to sell, he is immediately killed by Hugo, who found the pitch annoying and also in discordance with his own beliefs as a very certain agnostic. However the curoius thing is that about a week later he knocked once more upon the Tar door, and this is because he is timeless and undying. He only exists to sell his producs.
Sporting long and dark hair Xvaria is, despite being a stuffy salesman, conventionally handsome. He stands at a solid, perhaps, 5' 10", and is well-built. He has dark yellow eyes, perhaps the result of eye dye, and has vampire-pale skin, so much so that is is a wonder how he is able to venture outdoors. His face is vibrant and expressive, displaying often quite the range of emotions.
His 'uniform' consists of a black suit with a white collared shirt. Black slacks, because this is Hugo's World.
Here is provided a list of Xvaria's worldly likes and even more earthly dislikes.
Monochromatic stuff, mostly blacks and greys
His business
Seals and other aquatic mammals
Abnormal people
People that refuse his pitch even after the most wonderful presentation of all time